The Forfar Witches

The Royal burgh of Forfar, a small faming and market town nestled in the Strathmore valley in Angus in the east of Scotland, is a respectable and quiet community. The burgh lies only five miles from Glamis Castle, family seat of the Earls of Strathmore and Kinghorn, childhood home of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, […]

Gow’s Folly

Gow’s Folly was once cursed by generations of wagoners and hauliers, an odd looking little building with the stone spire in the middle of a busy goods yard. Nobody knew or cared about its origins and it was threatened with demolition on several occasions. Thanks to the Kirkwell Community Council this odd looking building has […]

The Duelling Trees

Ballencleroch was originally a modest laird’s house of the 17th century but was destroyed in a fire in 1982 but has been re-built as the ‘Schoenstatt’ (beautiful place), a retreat and conference centre. The house stands just to the west of the Clachan, East Dunbartonshire. The lands of Ballencleroch belonged to the Brisbane family from […]