The Story Behind the Crest: Clan Armstrong

In this series of articles Rodger Moffet at ScotClans looks at some of the symbolism used in clan heraldry and explores their meaning and origin. In this episode we look at the powerful border clan, Armstrong. This blog should probably have the working subtitle ‘just when you thought you knew the answer’. I have to […]

10 Strange Scottish Deaths.

Scotland has had a long and turbulent history. From the Middle Ages where life was best described by Thomas Hobbes’ quote as ‘Nasty, brutish and short’ through the troubled times of the reformation and on to the Jacobite risings. Here is a rundown of Scots who have met an untimely (or just plain bizarre) end. […]

Lost 5,000-Year-Old Neolithic Figurine Rediscovered in Scotland

A 5,000-year-old whalebone figurine, one of the oldest representations of a human form ever found in Britain, has been rediscovered after going missing for more than 150 years.  The figurine has been dubbed the “Buddo” of Skara Brae  a name taken from an Orcadian word meaning ‘friend’. It was carved from a single piece of […]