Clan Cameron Get Interactive

The Clan Cameron Assocation Scotland have just launched a new website: The Clan Cameron Interactive Network ( The site is for all Camerons and associated septs to participate in. They are hoping Clan Cameron Association Members from around the globe and visitors interested in their Clan will participate in the New Interactive Network. [hr_dotted] Quick […]

Border Reivers-Kinmont Willie Armstrong

The capture and rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong brought together three of the most colourful characters in the history of the Border Reivers. The impasse that existed between Sir Walter Scott, probably the most notable person to live on the sixteenth century Border, and Thomas Lord Scrope, English West March Warden, is a story of a clash of personalities of awesome proportions. Kinmont Willie? He was lost in the diplomatic wrangling. His capture changed nothing. He went on to reive until his death in about 1603.